Category Archives: Sex
Private Dancing
My old, trusty friend The act of masturbation has been around since the beginning of time. But a large scale celebration of this action is relatively new. And what could be larger than an entire month dedicated to playing with … Continue reading
Hooters, Bazooms & Jugs, Oh My!
Bazongas. Tatas. Melons. Chichis. Years ago, when I worked in the porn industry these words were part of my daily vocabulary. Now, in case you get the wrong idea, I was not in front of the camera, but rather that … Continue reading
The Woman Behind the Sleigh Balls
God Bless Kayaking
It’s been said that sneezing ten times produces a physical sensation much like an orgasm. Some people go as far as saying it actually causes an orgasm. I don’t see how the involuntary expulsion of something from the nose … Continue reading
Mrs. Claus and the Princesses
For our second interview, Mrs. Claus suggested we meet at the Polar Spa & Meditation Center, located at the far end of the Village. After a wonderful mud bath and massage we sat in lounge chairs wrapped in warm … Continue reading
“Hey there, good looking.” How I met my husband
THEN ALMOST NOW “Hey there.” The sultry words were spoken. A flirtatious smile was flashed. An arm was thrust forward, pinning a hot body to the wall. And so it began. A love affair that has lasted over thirty … Continue reading