Where Is Grandma?


Funky, big haired grandmother, last seen at  the corner of Ventura and Winnetka with her nose in a book. Seconds before her disappearance, passersby claim to have witnessed an enormous spaceship  hovering in the sky. Her family is devastated. If anyone knows anything, please contact…..

I can’t tell you how many times, I’ve envisioned that headline.  Or something similar.   If only to get my name out in the public.  If only to have my fifteen minutes of fame.

Because some days it seems that is what it takes to get noticed.

Involvement, no matter how slight, in a natural disaster, or media grabbing situation often leads to movie deals, book contracts, one woman shows, art exhibits. You name it.

Remember those parents who claimed their son was flying over the mountains in a hot air balloon? They did have to serve time in jail, but I wouldn’t doubt if there is a movie about them in the works.

Now of course, the work itself has to be good in order to remain popular.  But having Steven Spielberg or Oprah Winfrey asking for my story, now that would satisfy my wildest dreams.
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But my life has been made up of ordinary circumstances. According to the Six Degrees of Separation Theory, I could probably connect myself to someone famous or at least to the cousin of a guy who knows the janitor at the school where some celebrity sends his daughter.

And according to my husband, his mother is a descendant of Mary Todd Lincoln, wife of president Lincoln, a woman who suffered much tragedy.   But no one’s banging on my door for stories about her life.

And so I’ve relied on what I call the three Ps: Perseverance, Positive Thinking and a good Pinot.

Whatever it is that you’re doing – from running a small jewelry business to scripting a TV pilot, to being the best pancake maker in your “mommy and me” group, you have to believe in yourself.

If not, you can always resort to some publicity stunt.  But that’s not my style.

So, if I do go missing in the near future, please note that I really don’t want to make headlines this way. And send the authorities in search of me immediately.

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23 Responses to Where Is Grandma?

  1. Vicki Batman says:

    Hi, Janie! wouldn’t 15 minutes be nice sometimes? Unless you were named Batman and the Batman movie was about to be released and your assistant is really named Robin and your wife is Vicki. We couldn’t answer the phone for two weeks. But we did have fun rating all the nananananaBatman’s left on our answering machine.

  2. I’m going to address the desire to make a mark in the context of writing. It takes a very long time for some to be published, but my experience is that it happens sooner if what you do for the “notice” is more important. That sounds trite, but it is one of those things with which you might agree in theory before you see its application in your own life. Focus on process and you’ll see.

  3. robena grant says:

    I’m so with you, Janie. Oftentimes I write a blog post and feel like I’m talking into a void. I post on FB and get two likes. Ha ha. But you know what, it’s all good. Somewhere, sometime, we’ll write something that will take off like a rocket. And if not, I’ll come stand on the corner with you and read a good book. ; )

  4. Hah, Janie! I know what you mean. Not sure I want the world gawking at me, but I sure wouldn’t mind a little publicity! Cheers hon…

  5. Always entertaining, Janie!

  6. Dee J. says:

    Well, per 6 degrees of separation, you are 4 degrees from Kevin Bacon because I know French Stewart who worked on Third Rock From The Sun with John Lithgow who worked with KB on Footloose. Look! You’re famous! Now don’t go crazy or anything with your own reality show! Fun post!

  7. LOL. Publicity stunts always smack of desperation to me. Don’t succumb. You’ll make it. Perseverance is key in the publishing world. Even now when anyone can self-publish, it takes perseverance to become a good writer because not anyone can become a good writer. The cream shall rise.

  8. You had me at “he is a descendant of Mary Todd Lincoln.” That says everything. 😉

  9. Sharon says:

    So funny, Janie. Thanks for the idea. Now I know what to do to get attention.

  10. Sam Beck says:

    Janie, you are front page news in my world!

  11. Cindi Pearce says:

    Hi, Janie. Good article!

  12. DIANE KLAPPER says:

    I think I’d find you in your scalp somewhere all that Hair lots of hiding spaces

  13. DIANE KLAPPER says:

    I think I’d find you in your scalp somewhere all that Hair lots of hiding spaces.

  14. Cute post! And if you’re taken off by aliens, I promise…I’ll look for you!

  15. Does this mean I need to keep an eye out for your face on the back of a milk carton or a bottle of pinot?

  16. Fist bump on this Janie. I hear ya. Nowadays, all it takes is somebody’s cat making a sound that could remotely be mistaken for “F@#K Matt Lauer!” when he’s really just meowing, and before you know it, the family is live on the 8 o’clock hour of Today via remote from Boise talking about their book deal, subsequent movie deal, TV series and line of Lauer Meow-er pet products. Jeezuz.

    But…I believe that in the end, talent wins out. It endures. You’ve got that in spades. Raising my glass of pinot to you!

  17. Diane says:

    You’re right. It only SOUNDS good! 🙂

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