I am unable to attend this year. But here is my Top Ten List of things I learned at the last conference. I hope everyone going has a great time!
10. For several days following the conference you will amble around BlogHerized. Definition: The mindboggling state of sorting through the Who, Where, Why & When of What you experienced at the conference.
9. Some bloggers will look exactly like their online photos. Others will look like older versions of themselves. Some may even resemble the foods, flowers or fetishes they blog about.
8. The words “free” and “food” do not always go well together in a sentence or in one’s digestive system.
7. Speaking of free – all that SWAG could cost almost $100.00 to take home. Note: I hope that nice TSA gentleman with the friendly smile got lucky with his wife for bringing her a bottle of Windex and some Trojan lubricant.
6. During keynote speaker presentations some people will snicker under their breath, while others will find themselves crying. Which only goes to demonstrate the subjectivity of the entire business of blogging. You can’t to appeal to everyone.
5. It’s dangerous to carry a Voices of The Year poster through the hall, up the elevator, and across the lobby. This behavior can only be performed with “real live” friends. Beware- a lasting bound will most definitely be formed.
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4. “What’s your Twitter handle?” is to bloggers as “What’s your sign” is to strangers meeting in a bar. Sometimes neither of them make much sense.
3.Sharing a bathroom with an online friend will turn them into someone you hope you get to see again soon.
2. 99.5% of bloggers want to write a book. My advice: Do it. But grow a thick skin. And nurture your patient side. There is no such thing as Instant Gratification in the world of publishing.
And the number one thing I learned is:
You are not your blog. You are not your ranking. Or your SEO. But one woman writing. Writing something you want the world to hear. And if you can give someone an “aha” moment, get them to realize they are not alone, or make them laugh, then you’ve done your job as a blogger.
Have fun!
I’m not going to BlogHer either this year. This is a great summation for any blog conference you go to!!!
I’m going, but plan to leave the blogging about it to the thousand other bloggers who will cover every detail. Unless, of course, something major happens to me, in which case all bets are off. But I plan to be the oasis of Non-BlogHer posts in the coming weeks. ;))
Good job. Enjoyed reading this and it made me laugh.
My favorite is #1, but #7 made me laugh out loud. What a shame I will not get to meet you in person. Thank you for the valuable tips!
Number one is my favorite and I have to keep reminding myself of it. Thanks.
I think you nailed it with number one!
Ohhh this made me miss ERMA 2014 so much!!! I can’t make it to BlogHer either. Now I’m really sad. Your post makes it sound so fun. Maybe best year….
These are solid lessons / insights, Janie! And I particularly loved your #1, although #6 struck a chord as well. We really can’t please everyone and we have to detach our self identities and self worth from the things we write, the number of followers and readers we have, our ranking, awards, etc.. Thank you for sharing this!!